Friday, April 17, 2015

Have You No Respect? Do You Not Tremble?

Jeremiah 5:22 (NLT)
"Have you no respect for me? Why don't you tremble in my presence? I, the Lord, define the ocean's sandy shoreline as an everlasting boundary that the waters cannot cross. The waves may toss and roar, but they can never pass the boundaries I set."

Where is our deep wholehearted, passionate respect of God? Do you tremble in His presence anymore? Have you forgotten who He is?? Have you forgotten that He is the God that literally defines the ocean's shoreline as an EVERLASTING boundary that the waters cannot cross??

He literally stops the ocean with an invisible line! No matter how rough the waters get, they can go no further than He says they can! That should be enough to make us tremble in His presence! SO WHY AREN'T WE???

Revelation 2:4-5a (NLT)
"But I have this complaint against you. You don't love me or each other as you did at first! Look how you have fallen! Turn back to me and do the works you did at first."

You need to return to your One True Love. Not that guy or that girl. Not that hobby or that activity. GOD. JESUS! Return your hearts to Him! Where they belong!

Galatians 3:3-4 (NLT)
"How foolish can you be? After starting your Christian lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort? Have you experienced so much for nothing? Surely it was not in vain, was it?" 

Don't you realize that you can do NOTHING apart from Him? You can't change yourselves, you can't change hearts, you can't change the world... ONLY GOD CAN! He wants to do those things so much greater in and through you if you just let Him but you have to live for HIM first! YOU HAVE TO TURN BACK TO HIM FIRST! You have TASTED and SEEN how AWESOME the Lord is! Why have you turned away??? AND if you haven't tasted and seen, you've at least heard now the message of Christ, so what are you waiting for? What is stopping you my dear, sweet friend, from accepting the beautiful love that Christ has to offer? What's it going to take? You're not too far away, you are not so terrible of a person... I promise He loves YOU... I promise His arms are open and ready to receive you. Just give in sweet child. Please make Him Lord over your life... Please...

But to those who have turned away...who have strayed, who have gotten lost. Now is the time. Today is the day of salvation. Time is just about up. Don't be caught off guard. RETURN to Him! Stand in awe of His FORGIVING, REDEEMING, GRACE!! Tremble in His presence. Allow Him to put His fire in you and work in you. It's time... Fall madly, insanely, passionately in love with Jesus and don't ever look back. 

I love you my friend. My prayers are with you and I'm always here. Just shoot me an email or a Facebook message. Don't waste another minute. Another second... Another breath...
Your next breath could be your last... Church won't save you, small group won't save you, others' faith won't save you! ONLY JESUS CAN SAVE YOU. Now is the time. TODAY is THE day. 

May the Lord take captive your heart and draw you away from this world into His presence. In Jesus' Name! 


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