Monday, January 12, 2015

The Gift of Singleness

I'm going to be honest, as I sat down to write this I intended it to be, just as my other posts are, gender neutral. However God led me and when I got to the end I realized well this isn't really a post for guys so for the guys that like to read my blog... sorry. However by all means feel free to read through it any way.
"We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps." - Proverbs 16:9 (NLT)

"We may throw the dice but the Lord determines how they fall." - Proverbs 16:33 (NLT)

When I first read these verses studying through the book of Proverbs a while back the first thought to run through my head was that the Lord is the ultimate decider of all things, in fact I wrote it at the top of the page in my bible. So as I came across this verse once again while reading through a little bit of Proverbs, I thought of some girls I know. Some girls who are putting too much time and energy into finding the perfect guy and instead getting mixed up with the wrong guys. Some girls have taken God and put Him on the back-burner of their lives, who have barely touched their bible, and who hardly come to church anymore unless they have to. They are trying to do God's job for Him and instead, without even realizing it, they are destroying their lives.

What these girls don't understand is if they would take the energy and resources they are putting into finding the "perfect" man, and put them into serving God, their lives would be much better and God would take care of EVERYTHING!

The Bible says:
"And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?" - Luke 12:28 (NLT)

Why try so hard at finding this "perfect" guy only to end up miserable when you could trust God and be more than happy!

Let's all be honest, relying on ourselves is just dumb. Really it is. Just think about it for a second, we as humans are weak, unreliable and limited. God, in all His glory is more than able, strong, almighty, unlimited, and perfect in all of His ways. There are no words in our vocabulary to describe God's greatness, not even when put together, so who would you rather rely on? Yourself? Your friends? That guy? Or God? I feel like the answer should be pretty obvious.

So I want to challenge you... STOP! Give up this tiring search for a man (or woman if you are a guy that has made it this far in the post) that you will never find without the hand of God. Take ALL of that energy, ALL of that time, and ALL of those resources that you're putting into finding "the one" and starting putting them into serving and worshiping God!

Joshua Harris talks about the gift God has given you of singleness, in his book called "I Kissed Dating Goodbye"

"God doesn't use our singleness to punish us. He has created this season as an unparalleled opportunity for undistracted devotion to God. And as a time for growth and service that we shouldn't take for granted or allow to slip by." - Joshua Harris (I Kissed Dating Goodbye. pg. 80)

"While we're single, dating not only keeps us from preparing for marriage, but can also quite possible rob us of the gift of singleness. Dating can tie us down in a series of pseudo relationships, but God wants us to maximize our freedom and flexibility to serve Him. Any season of singleness, whether you're sixteen or fifty-six, is a gift. You just might do God a disservice by wasting its potential on a lifestyle of short-term dating." - Joshua Harris (I Kissed Dating Goodbye. pg. 80)

So you see, stop looking at your singleness as a burden and start recognizing it as the blessing and gift that it is. Use this time to serve God. In the words of Joshua in Joshua 24:15 "...choose today whom you will serve...", will it be relationships or will it be Him? His perfect way.... or your imperfect way? What's your choice?

May the Lord open your eyes in ways you have never imagined. May He bless you richly beyond measure today!

Thursday, January 01, 2015

Jesus Watched Him Go...

Luke 18:24
"Jesus watched him go and then said to his disciples, 'How hard it is for rich people to get into the Kingdom of God!'"

First off I want everyone reading this to know that this post is NOT about money, in fact we are not even talking about the words that Jesus spoke in the verse above. Instead I want you to read the first four words of this verse, "Jesus watched him go...", it seems an interesting place to stop doesn't?  As I was studying this chapter those four words stopped me in my tracks. Some translations say "He saw this, and then said..." but to me it doesn't leave the same impression as this one does. He watched the rich man walk away. Jesus literally sat there and watched this man turn his back and walk away from him, and can you just imagine the pain that Jesus must have felt in His heart?

When I read the rest of the verse I stopped and allowed it to really sink in and this is what was in my head, let me just kind of paint a picture for you. Jesus has answered the rich man's question, now all is silent as the rich man turns and walks away, and just imagine Jesus probably watched this man, silently, until he disappeared from sight. His eyes probably filled with tears as His heart ached in His chest from heartbreak. Then he spoke to His disciples. I wonder if when the first few words of that sentence left His mouth, if maybe His voice cracked a little... if maybe as He spoke He kept His eyes fixed in the direction that the rich man had walked...

Now just think about it for a second... He has looked at each one of us the same way. When we lived for the world instead of Him, when we have went our way instead of listening to His voice, when we have strayed off, He watched us walk away each time.... and each and every time... he has stood there arms stretched wide....scars exposed on his hands.....waiting for us to run back to Him. So my question is, where are you? Is your back turned to Jesus? Is He watching you go your own way? If so then what are you waiting for? Run into the arms of Jesus, tell Him how sorry you are, and remember that His scars are there because He loves you more than words can explain so to show you He allowed nails to be driven through His hands and feet.... He poured out His blood, so that your sins could be forgiven and you could be washed whiter than snow.

I pray that this has touched your heart the way it touched mine when God spoke it to my heart. I love you all!!! May you be blessed so very richly this new year!