BELIEVE IT OR NOT! (06/09/2016)
Believe it or not I have started working on a post for the main page. Please be praying that God will help me word it how He wants me to. God bless you all! Thank you all for being so patient and supportive:)

I apologize for my lack of posting but a lot has been going on. I am praying about a different way to do devotionals and would love it if you could all be praying as well. I very much enjoy the ministry God has given me with Great News, and I look forward to making this change if He allows. 

Also, just a prayer request for my fiancé and I. We are waiting on a phone call today that tells us whether or not we have an apartment. You know it's a really good thing to have a place to live after the wedding has ended ;)

After looking over the weeks until Christmas I have decided against doing devotionals this week in order to better prepare for the week of Christmas and also to make sure that Christmas week is a devotional week. I pray that the Lord would bless you all richly this week and as you all prepare for Christmas. Please pray for me as I work the next few weeks on Christmas devotionals. God bless:)

PLEASE READ (09/03/2015):
I apologize for the lack of devotionals this week. Things have been kind of busy. I will do my best to have one up tomorrow and I will post today's throw back after this post. 

This week will be my last week posting on Great News for the next three (3) weeks. I ask that you would all pray for me as I seek the Lord during this time. 

I will post another reminder of this tomorrow. Thank you all for your prayers and support! May God bless you all richly! =)


This past week of devotionals will be the last devotionals I post until  around mid-July to August. I will be leaving at the end of this month to intern in Ecuador. God has blessed me with this incredibly awesome opportunity and I am excited to see what He does while I am there. However, I will be unable to post the way that I do while I am here. I will try to post things as I can but I ask that even if I can't you all keep me in your prayers. God is going to do great things! =D 

STARTING BACK UP! (03/26/2015)
I have been praying through some things and intend to start back with devotionals. As of right now the schedule will remain the same with posting unless the Lord leads otherwise. There are some things that I am still praying through and some changes that may be made in the months to come however I am looking forward to posting again. Thank you all for being so understanding of my time away from this and I would ask for continued prayers from each of you. I will let you know when the first devotional will be posted. May the Lord bless you richly!grin emoti
"Publish his glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things that he does." - Psalm 96:3 (NLT)

Okay, I have prayed through this and so now it is time to share it. At least for the next few weeks, maybe even months I will not be posting devotionals unless the Lord just really puts something on my heart to post. In other words there is really just not going to be a schedule to post anymore. Every now and then I may just post a verse, or passage of scripture as a way to encourage everyone but other than that I am taking a break from posting. I would ask that you would pray that the Lord would speak to my heart during this break and really teach me some things that maybe I have never really received out of His Word. God is faithful and I am trusting His plan for me and after prayerful consideration, I really feel like this is the best decision at this time. May the Lord bless you all richly! Please still feel free to message me if you need to talk or have any questions:)

For those of you that I'm sure are wondering, seeing as how we are in the third day of the first full week of 2015, I will not be posting devotionals until next week. Forgive me for not posting this sooner, I'll just be honest every I thought to do so I got bust and forgot until it was too late to post. I am a flawed human. 

I pray that everyone is having a very fantastic start to the new year and that the Lord will pour out His favor and blessing upon each of you! 

First of all, I would like you to be aware that, Lord willing, I will be posting a series of videos about Christmas next week as devotionals. Secondly, the week after next (Christmas week) I will probably share a few Christmas devotionals, but will probably NOT post the entire week (I will pray through that over the next weeks leading up). Finally, I would like to invite every person reading this to the Christmas program at my church, "HALLELUJAH!" It is going to be AMAZING!! It will be at Gardendale First Baptist, THIS Saturday and Sunday (13th and 14th) at the North Campus. The programs start at 6:00PM both nights but if you want a good seat you better get there really early! Hope to see you there!!! (12/11/2014)


I will only be posting ONE devotional this week due to the Thanksgiving holiday. I pray that each of you has a very safe, and very blessed Thanksgiving. May the Lord be with you as you travel or as you celebrate at home. Love you all!!! =D (11/25/2014)

The Lord is teaching me to be humble in situations where I am normally stubborn... There will be no devotional today. I have prayed and prayed about a topic for today, and have tried to come up with one but it seems to me like it's not going to happen. I normally would find something to post, even if it is short, just to be sure that there is a devotional up. I'm not going to do that anymore... God placed Great News!!!!! on my heart 2 years ago, and when it started I made it clear that I wouldn't promise to post at any certain time. While I will do my best to stick to the devotional schedule in place, I will also remember to follow the Lord's leading and if He doesn't give me a post than I won't be posting. I started Great News!!!!! with the intention of pleasing God with the gift He has given me to write. If I am not following His leading then I am no longer doing what is pleasing to Him. Thank you for understanding:)

I intend to start back up full swing the first week of August! Please check back for new devotionals and changes to Great News!!!!! (07/14/2014)

I'm sure you have noticed the new place that says "join this site" under the translate button on the side bar, if you hit that button you will be able to follow this site as a member. It takes less than a minute so I ask that you would please follow and pass it on. The more people we can reach with the love of God the better:) If you are following by email you aren't getting the most out of Great News!!!!! I encourage you to join this site and join the movement:) Let's see how many more we can reach for Jesus!!! May God bless you my friend! =D (07/06/2014)

I am so happy to announce that I will be selling t-shirts for a limited time:) To find out more, see the shirt and reserve one please go to You will only be charged and receive a shirt if the goal of 10 shirts is met, so PLEASE SHARE! If you choose to reserve/buy a shirt the shirt will be shipped directly to you:) May God bless you exceeding abundantly! (06/10/2014)

I will not be following the normal schedule for devotionals over the summer. I will only post if and when God leads me to do so. I will start back with the normal schedule either the beginning of August or September. 

I am working on a new post and it is coming along pretty well. Please pray that the Lord will continue to guide me as I write it and prayerfully it will be posted soon:)

The Easter post will be up late tonight. It is written and ready. God is SOOO good! =)

So... It has come to my attention that A LOT of people are viewing Great News!!!!! and have been doing so since the start of Good Friday. I am sure you are looking for an Easter post so let me assure you that IF God is willing there WILL be a post late tonight or early Sunday morning. =D 

I also just might put up an Easter devotional:)

I want to ask that everyone please join me in praying for some BIG changes for the future of Great News!!!!! I'm not going to share what these changes may be right now but I will let you know as God leads me. Thank you for all of your prayers and support of this ministry, I love you all in Christ:)

Due to the added hassle of scrolling ALL THE WAY to the bottom, starting Friday, November 22, 2013, I will start posting all new devotions at the top of the page, this will be signified by a line. It's sort of hard to explain but you will understand once you see it. Hope this helps, thank you for all your prayers and support. May God bless you in an awesome way:)

I want to apologize for not being very consistent with my devotional posts. My life has become very busy with hardly a moment to spare, but it is busy in a really good way. However, I know that this is no excuse. Please bare with me as I am coming up with a different way to post them. As of right now I am thinking every other week, excluding Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. This may change so please check back. Thank you so much for your prayers and support, I appreciate all of you more than you could ever imagine. Just because we may not know each other does not mean that you are not important to me. You are all my brothers and sisters in Christ and I love you all dearly:) May our Father bless you all beyond all you could ever hope or imagine:) Also I AM still working on another post for the home page however it is coming along slowly. All in His timing though. :)

I have started and will continue to start putting (new) or something like that beside the pages where I make new updates. This will be true for all EXCEPT the Home page. I will try to remove it from the devotional page before the end of the day so you will know as soon as a new one is up and won't be confused:)

I apologize for slacking on my announcements here. Though I have been keeping up with them on Facebook I am trying to remember that many of you do not follow on Facebook. I took this past week off so please don't think that I have deserted you or God. I've kept with my personal time but I decided that I was allowing Great News!!!!! devotionals to overwhelm me and therefore needed a week off. HOWEVER God has refreshed me and I will have tomorrow's devotional up and running TONIGHT!!! I know that seems a little odd but due to getting up early and the rush I'm sure I will be in, I want to make sure that everything is taken care of on the site AS WELL as the Facebook. Thank you so much for your prayers and support for Great News!!!!! May God bless you and please share this site with as many as you possibly can! 

Okay, so it occurred to me the other day that Monday will be a year since God led me to create Great News!!!!!. I am so excited because God has done so much in and through me on this journey, and it's not over yet. Keep checking back because on Monday there will be either a very special announcement or something special being posted for Great News!!!!! Being a year old. Who know, maybe both! Please share Great News!!!!! with ANYONE and EVERYONE you possibly can. =D 

Okay so as you can see there is a new page that I have added to Great News!!!!! It is labeled devotionals because that's what it is. I am going to post devotionals as much as I can, I will try my best for every day but I will not promise that that's going to happen. It will all be God's timing. First two posts are already up so please check them out one is new. Please check back everyday for a new devotional. Thank you so much for your prayer and support!

Thanks to my wonderful sister-in-law I now have a simple way to run and get to the testimonies page. As I am sure you have already noticed there is a new tab at the very top that says Testimonies! THAT IS GREAT NEWS!!!!! TESTIMONIES. You no longer need the second URL so please ignore it from here on out. Thank you so much for your support and prayer, I am working on getting videos to post. Also, as a side note if you scroll down this side bar that you are reading on right now, there is a contact form, if you would like to contact me what so ever you may do so using this very simple method. Thank you so much, and may God bless you abundantly!!!

That's right! Great News!!!!! Now has a new logo!!! JESUS TURNED MY LIFE AROUND! DID HE TURN YOURS AROUND?

I am adding a new section for prayer and praise PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE feel more than welcome to contact me by email (, facebook, or if you know me personally call, text, grab me when you see me whatever you need to do and I will be more than happy to put up your prayer(s) and/or praise(s).

ALSO: I have created a page on facebook for Great News!!!!! It has the same URL that I have on here.

Please check it out and like it on facebook:)

BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!
Okay a couple of updates. First off I wanted to announce that I am working on getting a new section up and running for Great News!!!!! God has laid this on my heart and I cannot wait to start it up. It will be Great News!!!!!: Testimonies. It will have videos of people that I know and that they know giving their testimonies!!! It's going to be awesome. God willing this should be up and running SOON! However it is in His timing and only He can reveal to me when He is ready for it to happen:) Please be in prayer for this new section.

Regarding my testimony: my family has convinced me that because it seems to have more of an impact when I'm actually reading it, we are going to post a video of me doing just that, due to these changes there will be a delay in me posting it. We will try to set this up and post this video as soon as possible, God be willing.

I wanted to add a link to an awesome bible website for those of you who do not own a bible or are having trouble understanding the translation you have.
Please check it out, it has some really awesome features, and you can find the translation that works for you.

For anyone who reads and enjoys my blog please follow and share, there is no telling who you can reach out to with this blog, or how God can use it to help someone:)

If you need prayer or someone to talk to please feel free to email me. My email should be on my blogger profile.


That's all for now. May God be with you all:)
God bless!!!!:)

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