Some of you may have already seen this on my facebook, but I wanted to post it on here as well because I want more than just the friends on my facebook to see it. I want everyone no matter who to be able to see it, and I pray that it will touch someones heart. It's a very short post but here you go:
SO happy and blessed! I just wanted to share that even if you aren't rich, even if you don't live in a three story house with a huge amount of land and even if you don't have the most amazing things, God gave you breath every single time you drew breath in today. That's him!! (Job 34:14-15) Look around you, there are tiny blessings that you may have missed today! Don't take them for granted because even the smallest blessing from God, is H-U-G-E!! I have an amazing family that I live with, family that God has blessed me with all around, I have a worship ministry family, even if I don't know all of them, an amazing family in Sunday school. Just because you don't know them that well doesn't mean they aren't your family. We are all family through God! I got to go and worship with family today!!! In my heavenly fathers house at that!!! NOT EVERYONE IS ABLE TO ENJOY THAT BLESSING!!! BE THANKFUL. He has given me more joy then I can contain and I am so blessed to be able to say that! May He bless you all exceeding abundantly as well:) Praise God He has given you another day:)
May our almighty father bless you exceeding abundantly. And may you put your trust in Him, today and everyday! =)